As stated in our organization's charter, our mission is as follows:
1. Organize overseas medical service teams to assist in medical and health education in developing or underdeveloped countries, including conducting medical clinics, establishing medical clinics, and reducing disease incidence, promoting physical health.
2. Promote overseas poverty alleviation programs to assist orphans and underprivileged children in developing or underdeveloped countries by providing nutritious lunches, building bridges, paving roads, constructing classrooms, and providing wheelchairs for disabled individuals.
3. Form domestic and international educational service teams, in collaboration with Christians, clergy, churches, and businesses both domestically and abroad, to assist in holistic care education in developing or underdeveloped countries. This includes providing academic tutoring, character education, spiritual care, and promoting holistic health and social harmony. Additionally, we will provide pre- and post-marital counseling, family counseling, and workshops on parent-child relationships to promote healthy and joyful family life.
4. Organize theology, pastoral care, and holistic care lectures and seminars domestically and abroad, to equip people with the ability to practice the spirit of spreading love, as commanded by Jesus Christ, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Therefore, our organization has developed a Threefold Gospel strategy, known as the "Three Blessings" or "Wholeness" evangelism strategy, which includes three dimensions: Gospel, Welfare, and Industry.
The gospel missions refer to using teaching, ministry, and caring to let people know the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. Afterward, they may accept Jesus as their savior because of faith, just as Jesus said, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4) The politics and economy of Myanmar are unstable. The civil war continues there. Many orphans and underprivileged children are starved and stayed in trauma. It is hard for them to have the opportunity to go to school. They even already become child laborers. Thus, in May 2019, IHCMA established a “Holistic Care Hope Home Orphanage” in southern Myanmar, the Ayeyarwady region. We hope to build an environment with love to raise, educate, and care for orphans and children living in poverty. Focusing on children’s spiritual development and character education and leading children to trust in Christ are what we strive to do. IHCMA also held character educational camps to practice gospel missions, which have already reached over 1500 children.
IHCMA is proactively preparing and fundraising for the second Holistic Care Hope Home Orphanage that will also become a cross-cultural missionary training center. There will be our base to drive gospel missions further. We also expect that the place will not just be an orphanage but also a God’s church. We will cultivate and send heavenly talents, so more people will be blessed further.
The social welfare missions are used to be pioneers of gospel missions. By focusing on the holistic needs of the people, a friendship bridge would be built and lead people to the Lord Jesus, just like what Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40) IHCMA’s social welfare missions include building bridges and infirmaries, offering healthy lunches, free clinics, health education, and cross-national medical services. For example, IHCMA has built a concrete bridge for 500 children to come and go safely. IHCMA also built classrooms for hundreds of school children. An infirmary has been built to benefit 2000 residents. We also offered healthy lunches for 1000 underprivileged children. Short-term medical teams have been organized to provide free dental, internal medical, and Chinese medical clinics. Midwifery education and female health education activities have been held to benefit 5900 residents. Several cross-national medical services have been taken such as helping a young Bagan girl named Qiuqiu who had serious burns on both feet, a Yangan girl named Xiaole who had development problems in her eyes, ears, and spine, and a northern Burmese youth named Yulei with serious scoliosis to receive surgery in Taiwan.
During the epidemic and the coup, IHCMA keeps serving people there with love. We are reaching society’s most vulnerable groups in Myanmar, continuing welfare services for families in crises such as monthly giving financial support to needy pastors’ families, as well as donating basic living supplies to poor families. May people living in starving, ruthless, and cruel circumstances can see that God’s love and presence are true to them.
The blessing business mission is also called business as mission. Several countries do not issue visas to missionaries, but they welcome foreign investors, so missionaries can consider getting into the mission fields as investors. IHCMA also develops blessing business missions to have businesses that can bless others further. Through the missions, we not just can reach people in business fields, but also can offer local people employment opportunities or vocational training, which may help local people to get rid of poverty, become self-sufficient, develop their potential, and enhance their abilities. Eventually, they may act like salt or light to win people for the Lord. Thus, in 2019, IHCMA established a “Love Myanmar Gospel Restaurant”. We offered employment opportunities, and we practiced the blessing business missions by training culinary skills, teaching Chinese, establishing gospel small groups, and witnessing Christ.
Proverbs describe a diligent person as follows, “She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands…out of her earnings she plants a vineyard….her lamp does not go out at night…She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.” (Proverbs 31:13-20) At the end of Proverbs, “Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” (Proverbs 31:31) Therefore, work can be considered as a way God gives blessings, and the blessing business missions can also be a way for Christians to witness the Lord's love. The blessing business can be the service, the agriculture, the manufacturing, or any kind of industry. We hope God will touch more of His children to participate in our missions. If you have any burdens or ideas, please feel free to contact us anytime.